Are You Distracted?

Distractions, do you ever struggle with them? I have noticed that one of the biggest hindrances of progressing on in life is distractions. They steal your time, lead you on rabbit trails into doing things you had never intended and that will not benefit you in any way and sometimes end up being very costly.

Distractions squander our time and leave us with reduced opportunities to do the important things in life. I have been tracking the times I get distracted in order to help myself live better and as I trust God to help me become more self controlled. What I have discovered is amazing. Distractions come in all shapes and colors and sometimes we even assume they are a Godsend when in fact they are out to derail us. Think about it, the bible tells us to be very careful how we live and admonishes us to live wisely by redeeming the time or using time wisely for the days are evil. (Read Ephesians 5:15-16)

Distractions can lead to sin and end up destroying our potential and productivity all together. Our distractions can be surfing the Internet, checking and reading emails, the mobile phone or chatting online. Distractions can be more subtle like work, studying, or even talking to friends. A distraction is anything that robs you of the ability to fulfill potential, be more productive and hence robs you the chance to be who God created you to be.

Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden because she allowed herself to be distracted into a conversation with the deceiver and ended up doubting God and His plans and it's plainly evident how much trouble that distraction has landed the world in? I have discovered that many of my struggles today are because of distractions I have had in the past and some of them have been costly to my family and the ministry. I am grateful to God that He has rescued me and helped me to come this far and I have not been shipwrecked and destroyed like Eve and her husband Adam.

I call you today to fight off every distraction, to reach out for all that God has for you and to keep on utilizing your potential. Before you pick up your cell phone or open up your web browser, before you begin writing mail; ask yourself, is what I am doing a distraction from pursuing the life God has for me? Don’t get me wrong, emails are important and the internet is very good but everything has it’s time.

Today and in the days to come, lets walk away from distractions and seek to be everything God meant us to be. Let’s pursue Him, throw aside every weight, every discouragement, every disappointment and all other distractions that seek to block us and lead us astray. Let's not be like Eve, Let’s battle every distraction and live life to the fullest.


Edward M. Munene


International Christian Centre Mombasa

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