Phew, I can now begin to breath

I am back in the blogosphere. I have been missing in action for a while now. With all the relocation, the settling down, buying stuff and beginning the Church launch process, I was overwhelmed.

I am now stabilizing as we have settled down as a family and the church plant opened its doors yesterday with 35 people in attendance for the first service.

One of the key things I have learned in this whole church planting process is to always be myself. The temptation is there, the pressure, to try and please people and hence try to fit into what they want me to be. I discovered that you can never really fulfill your life mission when you are busy trying to be somebody else.

Always be who God created you to be and seek to excel as such.


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2 thoughts on “Phew, I can now begin to breath

  1. Pasi,just seen your blog…good stuff! Looked at the lessons you’re learning and am thinking they so apply to my life too.

    I’d actually decided am not going to pursue a vision God had given me sometime back because of the feeling ‘If its God’s plan, why is it soooo hazy and hard,whys is it taking forever to unfold,God is not giving regular updates,reminders and confirmations…’ So its easier to just forget the whole thing and there’s even the thought of maybe its was just a voice telling me my own things.

    Well, long comment, am just saying I appreciate you devotions and sharing, God bless you loads!

    Philip Nyoro

  2. Philip,

    I am praying with you and keep holding on the vision the Lord gave you. Prepare yourself, pray and work at it. In due time, it shall come to be.


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